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آموزش حرفه اي ASP.NET بصورت خصوصي

یازده سال پیش منتشر شده

تعداد بازدید: 1135

کد پروژه: 13026

شرح پروژه

Developing Web Forms Applications Using ASP.NET 4 1.OverView of ASP.NET ASP.NET Architecture Page Class Page lifecycle Event handling Compilation Directories What's Different Between Website and Web Application 2.ASP.NET Controls HTML Controls Standard Controls Validation Controls Rich Controls 3.State Management ViewState Cookies Cross Page Posting Query Strings Session ItemContext Application Profile 4. Designing Websites Cascading Style Sheets(Css) Thems MasterPage Nested MasterPage Advanced Technics in Designing Websites 5. Data Access a.Overview of ADO.net b.DataBinding SqlDataSource ObjectDataSource Concurrency Checking Custom Paging c. Rich Data Controls (GridView – ListView - Details View …….) d.ChartControl E.OR/Mapper Linq DataSource Linq To Entity Entity DataSource F.QueryExtender (Search Expression – RangeExpression – PropertyExpression - …… ) 6.Caching Output Caching Data Caching DataSource Caching Partial Page Caching SQL Chache Dependencies 7.XML Linq To XML Transforming XML XPath Create and Read Rss (Linq To XML) Xml DataSource XML Serialization 8. Site Navigation Menu TreeView (Recursive Function – EntityFramework - XML) SiteMapPath BreadCromp 9.Url Mapping , Url Routing 10.Working With File Working Witn File System Create a Zip File Using ASP.NET Encrypted Zipping of Files Create a PDF File From Page Using ASP.NET Serilization File Download With ASP.NET 10. HTTP Pipeline HTTP Handler Generic Handler HTTP Module 11.User Control 12. Web Services Creating Web Services Proxy Class SOAP WSDL 13. Custom Control 14. ASP.NET Health Monitoring Page Tracing Application Tracing Elmah Error Logging 15.Deployment Developing Web Forms Applications Using MVC 4 Part 1 : Introduction to ASP.NET MVC The MVC Pattern Architecture Advantages and Disadvantages Part 2 : Models (Part 1 - Model Customizations) Models and the Entity Framework Defining the Model POCO in the Entity Framework Deferred/Lazy Loading With POCO Change Tracking with POCO POCO Template Understanding Code First Data Annotations Fluent API Repository Pattern Part 3 : Routing Intoduction to Routing Custom Segment Variables Custom Route Constraints Custom Route Handler Part 4 : Controllers & Action Methods. Controllers Overview Routes and Controllers Understanding IController Understanding Controller Class Understanding Controller Factory Custom Controller Factory Understanding Action Invoker Custom Action Invoker Action Methods Action Method Parameters Action Method Support REST Services Understanding ActionResult Custom Action Result Using an Asynchronous Controller (Overview of Observer Pattern) Task Support for Asynchronous Controllers Managing Session State in a Controller Part 5 : Filters Authorization Filter Exception Filter Action Filter Result Filter Custom Filters Output Caching (Review Caching in Asp.net Data Caching - Cache Dependencies) Requiring HTTPS Part 6 : Views and UI Rendering UnderStanding Views Custom View Engine Razor View Engine Organizing Razor Templates Razor API Creating Reusable ASP.NET MVC Views Strongly-Typed Views Using a ViewModel HTML Helpers (Inline - External - Built-in) Sections Partial Views Introduction to Spark View Engine Part 7 : Models (Part 2) Model Metadata Model Binding Custom Model Binder Part 8 : MVC Scaffolding Instaling scaffolding Package Understanding Scaffolders Customizing View Templates Customizing Controller Template Understanding How To Work With T4 Templates T4Scaffolding Scaffolders Part 9 : Validation Data Annotations Self-validating Custom Validation Client Side validation Remote validation Part 10 : AJAX Managing Scripts AJAX Helpers Ajax Grid Scaffolding AJAX Callbacks Working With JSON Part 11 : Security Understanding Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks The AntiXSS Library Session Hijacking Understanding Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Attacks Preventing CSRF With Ajax SQL Injection Attacks Part 12 : Dependency Injection Understanding Inversion of Control (IOC) Introduction Service Locator Pattern Understanding DI Resolving Dependencies Undestanding IDependencyResolver Dependency Injection to Controller Dependency Injection to Filters Dependency Injection to Razor Views Mvc Dependency Injection With StructureMap Mvc Dependency Injection With Ninject Part 13 : Testing Test-Driven Development (TDD) Designing for Testability Creating Unit Tests Undestanding Mock Using Moq Testing Controllers Testing Razor Views Testing Routes Testing Validators Part 14 : Deployment Server Requirements Configuration Options Part 15 : Mobile Development Upgrading an ASP.NET MVC 3 Project to ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Project Template Display Modes Part 16 : ASP.NET WebAPI Implementing ASP.net Web API Hosting Options Security Part 17 : ASP.NET MVC samples Overview At the End of This Course You will Make Web Application With the Following Features : 1.Enables the full control over the rendered HTML. 2.Provides clean separation of concerns 3.Enables Test Driven Development (TDD). 4.More easy client-side integration (Javascript) 5.Following the design of stateless nature of the web. 6.RESTful urls that enables SEO.(makes easily REST) 7.No ViewState and PostBack events 8.Extensible and WEB 2.0 Enabled فهرست فوق پيشنهادي بوده و از فهرست کتاب هاي مرتبط جمع آوري شده است.


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مهارت‌ها و تخصص‌های خود را ثبت کنید، رزومه و نمونه‌کارهای خود را نشان دهید و سوابق کاری خود را شرح دهید.

به شیوه‌ای که دوست دارید کار کنید

برای پروژه‌های دلخواه در زمان دلخواه پیشنهاد قیمت خود را ثبت کنید و به فرصت‌های شغلی منحصر به فرد دسترسی پیدا کنید.

با اطمینان دستمزد دریافت کنید

از زمان شروع کار تا انتهای کار به امنیت مالی شما کمک خواهیم کرد. وجه پروژه را از ابتدای کار به امانت در سایت نگه خواهیم داشت تا تضمین شودکه بعد از تحویل کار دستمزد شما پرداخت خواهد شد.

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رشد شغلی شما به راحتی ایجاد یک حساب کاربری رایگان و یافتن کار (پروژه) متناسب با مهارت‌های شما است.

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