پارس‌کدرز چگونه کار می‌کند؟

از پارس‌کدرز بیشترین بهره را ببرید و رویای کاری خود را زندگی کنید.

پارس‌کدرز خریداران یا کارفرمایان را به مجری‌ها /فریلنسرهای خبره‌ای متصل می‌کند که برای انجام پروژه آماده هستند.

پروژه خارجي

یازده سال پیش منتشر شده

تعداد بازدید: 761

کد پروژه: 13197

شرح پروژه

Web-based community for the purpose of creating and sharing recommendation lists in various categories (similar to music playlist swapping). This web application will serve two primary audiences: Users and Vendors. 1. Users will be able to create a list in each category from scratch, as well as pick-and-choose items from other's lists to add to their own. Lists will be time-sensitive, meaning they include a start/end date for when the user will take action; or the lists can be static. Users will also be able to post lists to their social media profiles (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) to get suggestions from their friends. The posting will contain a link back to the website where a friend can create/suggest their own list for that category. Users can also opt-in to receive deals or offers from the Vendors related to that particular list category. 2. Vendors will be able to promote their products/services related to each category. Conceptually, vendors will get notified of new user lists in their particular category(ies) (if opted-in), and be able to offer certain promotions/deals to those users. Vendors will be charged a recurring membership fee in order to have the ability to publish their promotions to users, as well as maintain their brand identity on the site. Vendors should have some basic analytics to see the results of their offers (who opened, who responded, etc.). Here are some core functional requirements for the website; and respondents should be able to demonstrate successful experience and work samples in these core areas: 1. User account and profile management. 2. Web and database application experience (web front-end; database backend). 3. Social media integration - Facebook integration is mandatory, with both FB user profile account creation and the ability to post to FB wall (with link back to website). Other social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. are a plus. 4. Clean, simple UI - basic text and button/field functionality; similar look to Craigslist. UI must be user-friendly and intuitive; but very little needed in terms of graphic design. It is expected that most users will access via desktop/laptop or tablet, with some lesser smartphone access. 5. Mobile app - there is potential that this project could result in development of a dedicated mobile app (iPhone, Android, or HTML5); however, it will start with a web-based UI. At a minimum, the main web UI should be friendly to mobile devices. 6. E-commerce - sales transaction management, recurring billing (monthly/yearly), payment gateway integration capabilities (with PayPal, Authorize.net, or other gateways), and reporting and data export capabilities. 7. Full management back-end UI; covering all functionality described above (e.g. category, user, metadata, pricing, and integration management), plus logging, documentation, source code, etc. 8. Open source - to the extent possible, developer will use open source technologies such as PHP, MySQL, etc unless there is a compelling business or technical reason to utilize licensed components. Terms: 1. Payment - mutually agreed payment schedule; including deposit, milestone payments, and final user acceptance. 2. Amount - payment range selected is a starting point; actual bid to be negotiated. 3. Ownership - We will maintain ownership of all intellectual property (IP), source code, and any other assets related to this project engagement. Non-disclosure and non-compete agreements to be negotiated and signed prior to project commencement. Selection Process: We will be gathering responses to this posting from potential suppliers through Monday, August 5th; please do not expect any response until after that date. Sometime soon after August 5th, we will be notifying respondents whether we wish to pursue a more detailed discussion and project proposal with them. We will pursue such discussions with a handful of potential suppliers that are determined to be most closely aligned with our needs and project requirements. Based upon those discussions and the resulting proposals, our team will make a final selection of the chosen supplier; and notify the respondents accordingly.

قابل تحویل:

مهارت ها و تخصص های مورد نیاز


15,000,000 تومان تا 50,000,000 تومان

مهلت برای انجام


وضعیت مناقصه


درباره کارفرما

عضویت یازده سال پیش

4 پروژه ثبت شده ،
0 پروژه در حال انجام ،
0 پروژه آماده دریافت پیشنهاد ،
نرخ پذیرش پیشنهاد 0%

برای پیدا کردن پروژه‌های مشابه ثبت نام کنید و پروفایل خود را بسازید.

ورود با گوگل
نام نباید خالی باشد.
نام خانوادگی نباید خالی باشد.

نیاز به استخدام فریلنسر یا سفارش پروژه مشابه دارید؟

سفارش پروژه مشابه

قادر به انجام این پروژه هستید؟

ثبت نام کنید

مهلت ارسال پیشنهاد قیمت برای این پروژه تمام شده است

سری به پروژه‌های مشابه بزنید

روش کار در پارس‌کدرز

به رایگان یک حساب کاربری بسازید

مهارت‌ها و تخصص‌های خود را ثبت کنید، رزومه و نمونه‌کارهای خود را نشان دهید و سوابق کاری خود را شرح دهید.

به شیوه‌ای که دوست دارید کار کنید

برای پروژه‌های دلخواه در زمان دلخواه پیشنهاد قیمت خود را ثبت کنید و به فرصت‌های شغلی منحصر به فرد دسترسی پیدا کنید.

با اطمینان دستمزد دریافت کنید

از زمان شروع کار تا انتهای کار به امنیت مالی شما کمک خواهیم کرد. وجه پروژه را از ابتدای کار به امانت در سایت نگه خواهیم داشت تا تضمین شودکه بعد از تحویل کار دستمزد شما پرداخت خواهد شد.

می‌خواهید شروع به کار کنید؟

یک حساب کاربری بسازید

بهترین مشاغل فریلنسری را پیدا کنید
رشد شغلی شما به راحتی ایجاد یک حساب کاربری رایگان و یافتن کار (پروژه) متناسب با مهارت‌های شما است.

پیدا کردن کار (پروژه)

تماشای دمو روش کار