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راهنمايي آبديت برنامه UDDEIM جوملا 2.5

نه سال پیش منتشر شده

تعداد بازدید: 445

کد پروژه: 25649

شرح پروژه

با سلام بنده کمي مبتدي هستم با توجه به ابديت UDDEIM لازمه انجام بدم متن زير بايد ترجمه شود چه بهتره يک طراح ترجمه کنه و من راهنمايي کنه فقط نکنم 3 دقيقه وقت بخواهد تا من با توجه به متن زير راهنمايي کند متن HOW TO UPGRADE FROM UDDEIM 2.3-3.4 TO UDDEIM 3.5 (old method, manually) ==================================================================================================== How to upgrade: --------------- 1. a) Optional: Backup your uddeIM template (if you do not use uddeIM's default templates) b) Optional: Backup your database (at least all tables prefixed "uddeim", when using phpMyAdmin you can copy the tables given the copy a new name, e.g. jos_uddeim_backup). 2. Backup your configuration using the internal backup function uddeIM backend -> Maintenance -> Backup or backup the config file: /administrator/components/com_uddeim/config.class.php I recommend to uninstall the previous version of uddeIM and then upgrade to the new version using the component installer, so above is required to restore your settings. When you are an experienced user you can also overwrite the existing files with the new files from the archive. Please check Appendix A for the correct folder structure (please check if there are new files which have to be uploaded). Joomla 1.6 users: You can update the component usind the component installer. There is no need need to deinstall the old version first. Nevertheless you have to update the database manually (see next step). 3. Update your database tables (go to phpMyAdmin and enter following SQL statements in the SQL box, this will create the missing fields). You will find a short tutorial in the FAQ (chapter 1.3.x "How can I upgrade uddeIM’s tables?"). When you upgrade 2.3 - 3.4 to 3.5: ================================== nothing to do 4. Install uddeIM. When you have installed uddeIM using the Joomla installer it should have created a folder "/images/uddeimfiles" containing two files (".htaccess" and ".index.html"). If this folder is not present uddeIM has no write access to the Joomla root folder. In that case you should create this folder manually, see chapter "HOW TO CREATE FOLDER '/images/uddeimfiles'" 5. Restore your uddeIM template (from step 1, when you do not use uddeIM's default templates). ATTENTION: There might be new icons (depending on the version of uddeIM you are updating from): \components\com_uddeim\templates\default\images\disk.gif \components\com_uddeim\templates\default\images\envelope.gif \components\com_uddeim\templates\default\images\envelope_deleted.gif \components\com_uddeim\templates\default\images\staron.gif \components\com_uddeim\templates\default\images\staroff.gif \components\com_uddeim\templates\default\images\icon_spam.gif \components\com_uddeim\templates\default\images\icon_updown.gif \components\com_uddeim\templates\default\images\icon_up.gif \components\com_uddeim\templates\default\images\icon_down.gif \components\com_uddeim\templates\images\rss_logo.png New in uddeIM 2.3+: \components\com_uddeim\templates\images\uddeim-favicon.png \components\com_uddeim\templates\images\delayed_im.gif New in uddeIM 2.6+: \components\com_uddeim\templates\default\images\icon_forward.gif When updating manually don't forget to upload these files! 6. Restore your configuration. When you have used the internal backup feature its just one click (uddeIM backend->Maintenance->Restore), otherwiese restore config.class.php from step 2. After doing that it is important that you review the new added settings and save the new configuration! 7. Check Community Builder settings (it is not required to use CB with uddeIM but it is highly recommended for a community platform). There are uddeIM settings for the "cblogin" module and "mypms" plugin of the Community Builder. When possible choose "uddeIM 3.5" otherwise the next lower version e.g. "uddeIM 2.3". It is recommended to install the uddeIM specific modules (see the important note below). 8. Check the menu link to uddeIM. Usually you have to update the link (Joomla 1.5+) or you have to re-create the link (Joomla 1.0) so the Itemid to uddeIM is valid. On existing Joomla 1.0 sites use "Database maintanance->Repair" to add a missing menu icon without reinstalling the component. Optional: When you want to use message obfuscating check the "key" which can be set in uddeIM administration. Default is "uddeIMcryptkey" but it can be changed to whatever you like. This "key" is used to obfuscate all new messages. You cannot change this value later. You have to set it before the first new message has been written and obfuscating of messages is enabled in the preferences. NOTES FOR DONATORS ==================================================================================================== When upgrading uddeIM you have to reinstall the premium plugins. If you forget how to do that, check the FAQ or the README provided with the premium plugin package. You don't have to reinstall the premium plugins: - when you install a "hotfix" for uddeIM (except it is explicitly mentioned) - you are an experienced user and overwrite the existing files with the new files from the archive when upgrading (e.g. upgrading from 2.3 to 3.5).

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