از پارسکدرز بیشترین بهره را ببرید و رویای کاری خود را زندگی کنید.
نه ماه پیش منتشر شده
تعداد بازدید: 102
کد پروژه: 476268
شرح پروژه
Welcome to AbNan NGO - Cross-Border Humanitarian Services
We are the initiators of the startup AbNan Cross-Border Humanitarian Services International. Our mission is to help people in need in countries with limited financial freedom and our current project is in Iran.
Our projects include the development of digital payment systems and blockchain applications to support our clients and ensure transparency in financial transactions.
We are developing an independent, non-profit network using Starlink, blockchain and smart contracts, complemented by a specialized wallet app, to operate across national borders and promote financial autonomy.
Due to the unique selling points of our project in the DeFi blockchain ecosystem, especially in countries with restricted freedoms, we expect rapid social integration and market adoption.
We would be very happy if you could support us in this.
In case of a positive response, I will send you more detailed information about our projects and discuss partnership opportunities with you.
I look forward to your feedback and will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.
Yours sincerely
Details of the job offer
This position is of great strategic importance for companies, especially those involved in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. A successful ICO can generate significant funds and is often critical to the funding and success of a blockchain project. The blockchain developer specializing in ICOs thus contributes directly to the company's growth strategy and financial success.
With their expertise and skills, they enable the company to develop innovative products, open up new markets and take a leading role in the rapidly growing field of digital currencies and blockchain technology.
[We are looking for experienced developer to fully develop our ICO platform for us AbNan-CBMS.
The specific requirements include
- Token creation and issuance: you should have experience in developing and implementing a token from scratch.
- Smart contract development: It is important that you are familiar with writing and executing smart contracts to ensure a smooth sale process.
- ICO landing page design: I need an intuitive and user-friendly landing page with industry-standard design elements for our ICO.
It is important for the landing page to include the following elements:
- Token sale details: need to be able to display the token price, distribution, and specific start and end dates for the sale.
- Biographies and team information: You must be able to present team details in an engaging format.
-Whitepaper writing: The ability to design and write comprehensive and compelling whitepapers detailing the project, its technology, token economics and roadmap.
We would appreciate it if you could include previously developed platforms that meet these requirements in your proposal as part of your proven experience. Knowledge of blockchain technologies, smart contract platforms such as Ethereum and strong UI/UX skills will ensure success in this project.
این پروژه شامل 1 فایل مهم است، لطفا قبل از ارسال پیشنهاد حتما نسبت به بررسی این فایل اقدام فرمایید.
مهارت ها و تخصص های مورد نیاز
15,000,000 تومان تا 50,000,000 تومان
مهلت برای انجام
وضعیت مناقصه
درباره کارفرما
عضویت نه ماه پیش
قادر به انجام این پروژه هستید؟
مهلت ارسال پیشنهاد قیمت برای این پروژه تمام شده است
به رایگان یک حساب کاربری بسازید
مهارتها و تخصصهای خود را ثبت کنید، رزومه و نمونهکارهای خود را نشان دهید و سوابق کاری خود را شرح دهید.
به شیوهای که دوست دارید کار کنید
برای پروژههای دلخواه در زمان دلخواه پیشنهاد قیمت خود را ثبت کنید و به فرصتهای شغلی منحصر به فرد دسترسی پیدا کنید.
با اطمینان دستمزد دریافت کنید
از زمان شروع کار تا انتهای کار به امنیت مالی شما کمک خواهیم کرد. وجه پروژه را از ابتدای کار به امانت در سایت نگه خواهیم داشت تا تضمین شودکه بعد از تحویل کار دستمزد شما پرداخت خواهد شد.
میخواهید شروع به کار کنید؟
یک حساب کاربری بسازید
بهترین مشاغل فریلنسری را پیدا کنید
رشد شغلی شما به راحتی ایجاد یک حساب کاربری رایگان و یافتن کار (پروژه) متناسب با مهارتهای شما
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