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پارس‌کدرز خریداران یا کارفرمایان را به مجری‌ها /فریلنسرهای خبره‌ای متصل می‌کند که برای انجام پروژه آماده هستند.

ریوایز مقاله/ 73300

هفت ماه پیش منتشر شده

تعداد بازدید: 114

کد پروژه: 484765

شرح پروژه

من یه مقاله ای سابمیت کردم و یه سری کامنت گرفتم از ریووئر ها
آیا شما تصحیح مقاله رو هم انجام میدید؟
من مقاله رو با کامنت ها براتون بفرستم  تا اون کامنت ها اعمال بشه؟
رشته تحصیلی: مهندسی نفت/
موضوع مقاله: Effects of Mixing procedure on the viscosity, free fluid and mechanical properties of oilfield Class G cement
فارسی یا انگلیسی؟ English
زمان؟ حداکثر 1 ماه

Reviewer #1: The submitted manuscript studies the impact of mixing energy on oilwell cement properties, encompassing both fluid-state and solid-state characteristics. Specifically, the study focuses on the API class G cement. However, the objectives and findings of the research lack novelty. Orban and Guillot (1986) previously explored the role of specific mixing energy on oilwell cement quality (ref. https://doi.org/10.2118/15578-MS). Saleh et al. (2019) investigated the effect of mixing energy on the strength and porosity of oilwell cement paste using advanced techniques (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jngse.2019.102972). Hodne et al. (2000) examined the impact of time and mixing energy on the rheological behavior of oilwell cement slurries (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0008-8846(00)00416-6). Furthermore, Saleh et al. (2019) explored the disparity between laboratory and field mixing, focusing on the mixing energy of oilwell cement (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jngse.2019.01.004). All these studies utilized API class G cement and investigated parameters similar to those in the submitted manuscript.

An examination of the introduction section and reference list of the submitted manuscript reveals an inadequate literature review, leading to a lack of novelty and added value compared to previous research. Additionally, the presented results fail to uncover any unexpected findings.

In the reviewer's opinion, this submission lacks added value or impact, and therefore, publication is not recommended.

Reviewer #2: The quality of the paper does not meet the requirements of the journal. There are many mistakes in the paper, such as the SME in the second page is miswritten as SEM, there are many error prompts on the sixth page that the reference source is not found, and there are also problems with the letter capitalization of some units in the paper. There is no introduction to the concept of Buckingham Pi theorem, nor is there a reason why Buckingham Pi theorem was chosen.

On page 8, "It has been observed that cement strength increased about 25% for 30 min mixing at both curing temperatures; however, for 10 mins mixing it was slightly higher for the samples cured at room temperature but decreased about 30% for the samples cured at 70 ˚C". What does the author mean by this change in sample temperature? What are you trying to say?

This paper describes the effects of different mixing methods on the viscosity, free fluid and mechanical properties of the slurry. Some experimental results are close, and we know that there must be errors in the experiment. Are the different properties shown by the slurry necessarily caused by the different mixing methods? I think the research method of this paper is not very suitable and should be rejected.

مهارت ها و تخصص های مورد نیاز


300,000 تومان تا 750,000 تومان

مهلت برای انجام


وضعیت مناقصه


درباره کارفرما

عضویت دو سال پیش

9445 پروژه ثبت شده ،
26 پروژه در حال انجام ،
164 پروژه آماده دریافت پیشنهاد ،
نرخ پذیرش پیشنهاد 13%

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