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شش ماه پیش منتشر شده
تعداد بازدید: 131
کد پروژه: 488921
شرح پروژه
سلام وقتتون بخیر
بابت سفارش پروژه پایتون مزاحمتون شدم
اگه انگلیسیتون خوبه میتونم یه متن یه صفحه ای براتون بفرستم
Is it possible to detect leakages or incidents in a chemical park using automated standard measurement methods and prevent the release of these chemicals into water bodies with high reaction speed?
In a chemical park, it is always possible for hazardous substances to leak and be washed away by precipitation, potentially entering surrounding water bodies through the drainage system.
To detect the majority of relevant substances in precipitation water for this issue, the following sum measurement methods can be used:
pH, Conductivity, …
in each Minutes we get some values from these sensors.
I have some imaginary values to give up.
Using a regression discontinuity analysis, changes in these measurement parameters can be identified and quantified. In a second time series analysis, average values over an extended period can also be compared with the current value to reliably detect slow trends.
In a third step, these identified trends can be roughly categorized by an expert system (decision tree) to enable automatic evaluation.
The expert model categorizes the chemical properties of the contamination into groups such as acids, salts, organic, and inorganic substances, etc.
Subsequently, anomalies and correlations can be analyzed and further evaluated using a decision matrix or decision tree in Python.
Based on these results, appropriate measures can be taken.
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