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شش ماه پیش منتشر شده
تعداد بازدید: 58
کد پروژه: 494533
شرح پروژه
با سلام یک مقاله در بخش مدیریت و کامپیوتر نوشته شده است و اکنون نیازمند اصلاحاتی است. محقق مورد نظر باید به پایتون و مدیریت در بخش مبانی زنجیره تامین مسلط باشند.
اصلاحات مد نظر استاد به این صورت هستند:
Please kindly consider the following comments:
• I suggest removing the phrase problem statement from the first title.
• It is recommended to add the research questions to the end of the introduction section before the literature review.
• The literature review section is very brief. It is beneficial to add an integrative view to the end of this section or a figure before entering the methodology section.
• In the methodology section, it is required to have a diagram that carefully shows the steps of research in detail and also a diagram that shows how the papers were removed and omitted from the total database of papers according to the selection criteria.
• I think the search query could be expanded to cover more topics. By now, it is very broad and general.
• Figure 1 that shows the idea of LDA is related to genetics and not relevant to our work. Please review the LDA and other text analytics methods before the methodology section.
• Figure two on the x-axis should provide the year and on the y-axis, the number of publications.
• A sample of the textual dataset before LDA is good to be presented.
• AI is not clear and impactful in the word clouds. Why is it so?
• In Figure 5, topics 0,2,4 have very few papers. We may be able to reimplement the algorithm to see whether we can change this.
• Using BERTopic alongside the LDA is very important and influential for getting acceptance since LDA is an old algorithm. The results of the best algorithm with the highest coherence will only be analyzed and discussed.
• The findings are mostly around AI itself and not its derivatives like Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Transfer Learning, and algorithms used for supply chain optimization. I think we need to work more on the relevant papers and find those papers with sophisticated algorithms used in supply chains and consider them for topic modeling, word clouds, and final discussion.
• Upon revision, please send the revised paper for another round of brainstorming and analysis. Thanks
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