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سه ماه پیش منتشر شده
تعداد بازدید: 163
کد پروژه: 513792
شرح پروژه
#کد_پروژه: 81221
موضوع: پروژه مقاله
در مورد کامنت مقاله Reviewer #1: This paper investigates a comprehensive and efficient model for EVPL energy management, enabling participation in energy markets and utilization of V2G capabilities to maximize the profitability of EVPL and EVs. The manuscript presents some significant results worthy of publication but should be revised to be more precise and accurate in the wording of the text. Below are some detailed comments:
(1) The novelty of the work can be expressed in detail in the Abstract, Highlights, and Conclusion. The main content should concern your research idea and its experimental effect verification.
(2) The expression of the abstract should be improved. A more detailed presentation of innovation should be conducted as well as the experimental verification.
(3) More recent literature should be cited and analyzed, such as Improved anti-noise adaptive long short-term memory neural network modeling for the robust remaining useful life prediction of lithium-ion batteries, Improved singular filtering-Gaussian process regression-long short-term memory model for whole-life-cycle remaining capacity estimation of lithium-ion batteries adaptive to fast aging and multi-current variations, and so on.
(4) The expression logic can be improved for your proposed method so that the innovation can be clearly understood. More expression of the mathematical analysis should be conducted to show your ideas clearly. Also, please try to highlight your proposed method and focus on it.
(5) Grammar should be checked and improved for the entire content. Please try to make every sentence to be correct and easy to be understood.
Reviewer #2: This article is well written.
However, no algorithm/flow chart is given for the optimization process. You should provide that.
You have used Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) but MCS is very much time consuming process.
I am not asking you to consider any other method but you can think to apply other methods in future.
Reviewer #3: 1. The title should be shorter with more meaningful words and main contribution.
2. In the abstract, it should clarify the main contribution and validation with some numerical results.
3. Table 1 is meaningless. It is suggested to re-organized to present the main progress.
4. The results should be compared against other algorithms.
5. It should clarify the contribution of the increasing optimizing index.
6. Table 2 sets the parameters of the model. How is the sensitivity of these parameters? And why to select such parameters for simulation?
7. As there are various similar articles, how is the article when putting into engineering practice? این مجله هستش
https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-energy-storage اون کامنتی که گفته گرامری درست بشه اونو خودم انجام میدم رشته برق
۱۰ روز موضوع که خود مقاله رو فرستادم چشم مورد دیگه ای نیاز هست ؟ فقط زمان کم هستش لطفا هزینه رو بفرمایید؟ اگه با تخفیف باشه ممنون میشم
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