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یک سال پیش منتشر شده
تعداد بازدید: 313
کد پروژه: 434163
شرح پروژه
Project Overview:
We are in the process of developing a Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution. To bolster our offering, we require a competent freelancer to design and develop a multi-platform tunnel client application. This application will primarily function as a tunnel agent but will also have capabilities in system data synchronization, network usage monitoring, and firewall functionalities.
Platform Compatibility:
Key Features:
Tunnel Agent: The app will be integrated with open-source Tunnel solutions, WireGuard and StrongSwan, to establish secure connections.
System Data Synchronization: Periodically sync critical system data across the platforms.
Network Usage Monitoring: Provide real-time data on network bandwidth usage, connections, and potential threats.
Firewall Functionality: Enhance system security by filtering out potentially harmful traffic and granting customizable access controls.
Windows Registry Access: Enable deep integration with Windows OS by gaining administrative access to the Windows registry.
Certificate Management: Handle and manage digital security certificates for the application and its components.
Integration with Active Directory: Facilitate user authentication, authorization, and policy application by integrating with Active Directory.
Essential Skills & Expertise:
Strong proficiency in C programming.
Extensive experience with multi-platform development, specifically Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Familiarity with open-source tunnel solutions like WireGuard and StrongSwan.
Deep understanding of system security and digital certificate management.
Experience in working with Windows registry and Active Directory.
Research capabilities to address unforeseen challenges and implement innovative solutions.Tunnel
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برای پروژههای دلخواه در زمان دلخواه پیشنهاد قیمت خود را ثبت کنید و به فرصتهای شغلی منحصر به فرد دسترسی پیدا کنید.
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از زمان شروع کار تا انتهای کار به امنیت مالی شما کمک خواهیم کرد. وجه پروژه را از ابتدای کار به امانت در سایت نگه خواهیم داشت تا تضمین شودکه بعد از تحویل کار دستمزد شما پرداخت خواهد شد.
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