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Eclipse 65037 /

ده ماه پیش منتشر شده

تعداد بازدید: 131

کد پروژه: 451351

شرح پروژه

#کد_پروژه: 65037

موضوع: پروژه Eclipse /

Task (ant colony)

For this task, you are free to experiment with object-oriented modelling. In particular,

familiarise yourself with the syntax of package and class diagrams. Use the Valkyrie tool

provided in the iLearn course and presented in the lecture f o r modelling and especially for Java

code generation. The task is based on the following textual description of the requirements:

1. We want to simulate an ant colony. Several different types of ants can coexist in our ant

colony. There are queens, males and workers. The workers can also be categorised as


The following categories are available: Nursemaid, Sentry, Fighter, Explorer and Carrier.

Nursemaids and sentinels always stay in the nest. The ants are distinguished by their

type and a monotonically increasing number for this type. Depending on their type,

they can perform the following actions: move, mate, reproduce, ght, eat and deposit

pheromones. An ant decides independently what it wants to do as soon as the

doAction method is executed.

is conducted.

2. All ants belong to exactly one colony. Each colony has exactly one queen. A colony

with no living ants will disappear. There should be a map with a Cartesian grid of

variable size (starting with 10x10 fields). Each colony and each ant should be localised

on this map. Colonies cannot move, but ants of the right type can. The simulation is

turn-based. In each round, each ant has the opportunity to p e rf o r m exactly one

action with the help of doAction (including moving).

3. The queen has different states. After birth, she can move (on the ground, or by

flying in the air), still mate but not reproduce. After executing mate, she

immediately founds a colony (on the same field). It no longer lies or moves, but

begins to reproduce. It produces all types of workers (one per turn, the exact type of

distribution is up to you). With a probability of 1% she produces another queen instead of a

worker. There is a 3% probability that men will be created. Newly produced workers

have food for 100 turns in their stomachs, queens for 50 turns and queens for 2500

turns. Flying costs 3x as much food as crawling. An ant that has no food left at the end

of a round dies.4. Males and queens can either fl y or crawl away. Workers cannot c l imb . As soon

as a male or queen crawls onto a field occupied by a colony, he/she dies

immediately. When crawling over

Nothing happens when they lie down. If a queen and a male a r e on the same field

and in the same state (lying or crawling), they mate.

5. The ( nal) simulation starts with 1 queen and 5 males randomly distributed on the

fields. A new queen is added every 10 rounds as long as no colony has been created.

6. Explorers move straight ahead with a probability of 80%, to the left or right with a

probability of 10%. If they encounter a colony other than their own, they immediately

turn 180 degrees (e.g. instead of moving, they turn around if they realise that the

colony on the hex they are about to enter is not their own). Combatants work together.

If a fighter enters a square with a fighter from the same colony, they move forwards

together from this point onwards (with a probability of 60% straight ahead, 20% to the

left or right).

7. The rest of the design of the simulation is up to you, e.g. the implementation of the

scouting of foreign colonies by fighters, explorers who leave traces of pheromones to

lead carriers to food, etc.   سلام

برای رشته انفورماتیک تجاری

درس  توسعه ی نرم افزار بر اساس مدل

با نرم افزار   Eclipse تقریبا ۵روز زمان دارم 

مهارت ها و تخصص های مورد نیاز


100,000 تومان تا 300,000 تومان

مهلت برای انجام


وضعیت مناقصه


درباره کارفرما

عضویت دو سال پیش

9081 پروژه ثبت شده ،
22 پروژه در حال انجام ،
130 پروژه آماده دریافت پیشنهاد ،
نرخ پذیرش پیشنهاد 13%

برای پیدا کردن پروژه‌های مشابه ثبت نام کنید و پروفایل خود را بسازید.

ورود با گوگل
نام نباید خالی باشد.
نام خانوادگی نباید خالی باشد.

نیاز به استخدام فریلنسر یا سفارش پروژه مشابه دارید؟

سفارش پروژه مشابه

قادر به انجام این پروژه هستید؟

ثبت نام کنید

مهلت ارسال پیشنهاد قیمت برای این پروژه تمام شده است

سری به پروژه‌های مشابه بزنید

روش کار در پارس‌کدرز

به رایگان یک حساب کاربری بسازید

مهارت‌ها و تخصص‌های خود را ثبت کنید، رزومه و نمونه‌کارهای خود را نشان دهید و سوابق کاری خود را شرح دهید.

به شیوه‌ای که دوست دارید کار کنید

برای پروژه‌های دلخواه در زمان دلخواه پیشنهاد قیمت خود را ثبت کنید و به فرصت‌های شغلی منحصر به فرد دسترسی پیدا کنید.

با اطمینان دستمزد دریافت کنید

از زمان شروع کار تا انتهای کار به امنیت مالی شما کمک خواهیم کرد. وجه پروژه را از ابتدای کار به امانت در سایت نگه خواهیم داشت تا تضمین شودکه بعد از تحویل کار دستمزد شما پرداخت خواهد شد.

می‌خواهید شروع به کار کنید؟

یک حساب کاربری بسازید

بهترین مشاغل فریلنسری را پیدا کنید
رشد شغلی شما به راحتی ایجاد یک حساب کاربری رایگان و یافتن کار (پروژه) متناسب با مهارت‌های شما است.

پیدا کردن کار (پروژه)

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