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پروژه کلاسی gis

یک سال پیش منتشر شده

تعداد بازدید: 343

کد پروژه: 452248

شرح پروژه

   روند کارو براتون گذاشتم همراه فایل مورد نیازش
 خودم تا بخش محاسبه مساحت اتش گرفته در هر شهر رفتم ولی از جایی که زیرش خط کشیدم نتونستم ادامه بدم
همونطور که در پایین نوشته خروجی pdf  و فایل میخوام 

Area Impacted by Wildfire Assignment Instructions

Wildfire Area Assignment Instruction

For this project, you will participate in a scenario. You work in the field of emergency management, and you are specifically interested in wildfire recovery. You are a GIS analyst for a governmental organization that is interested in learning about how much land has been impacted by wildfires over the past 10 years for a report summarizing impacts for reach County in California. Your task to calculate the total area burned by wildfires in each County, and to summarize the broader patterns of wildfires throughout California. 


A California state agency has provided you with wildfire perimeter data – polygons that represent the extent of wildfires over the past 10 years. As you can see the information contains 4,102 polygons representing unique wildfires that occurred between 2012 and 2022 throughout California.

In some locations multiple wildfires have impacted the same locations (there are some locations were the wildfire perimeter polygons overlap). For the purposes of this analysis, we want to only determine if 

When finished, you will create a map of the county-level data with all appropriate elements, as well as labels and metadata. Specific of what must be on the map are listed below. 


The data you need for beginning the assignment is attached here. Please see the section, “Instructions”, for more specific instructions on how to complete this assignment. 


This project consists of two phases. First, read this document and conduct your analysis. . It will ask you for values for specific rows and columns in your results attribute table. 

Then, once you have passed the quiz, you will upload your PDF and map package for peer review, where you will grade your peers based on a rubric we provide, and they will grade you.


What we are providing you

A file geodatabase named Wildfire Impacted Area Assignment.gdb (you will need to unzip/decompress it) containing two feature classes:

Counties: The feature data for California counties

Wildfires: The feature data for the wildfire perimeters

What you need to do:

Create a new ArcGIS Pro Project (using the “map” template) and add the data to the map.

Conduct your analysis:

Dissolve the wildfire perimeters into a single feature using the dissolve tool.

Intersect the dissolved wildfire perimeters and the county layer as your using the intersect tool.

In the results of the intersect tool add a new field to the attribute table to store the area (in acres) of polygon. Use the calculate geometry tool in the attribute table to calculate the area (in US Survey Acres) for each of the features.

Use the Summary Statistics tool to calculate to sum the area of wildfire areas by county. Set the “COUNTY” field as the case field and sum the values from the field you added to the intersect tool output.

Add a new field to the County layer to store the area from the wildfire summary table. 

Join the output of the Summary Statistics tool to the County layer

Use the Calculate Field too in the County attribute table to update the new empty field with the area values from the Summary Statistics tool output.

Remove the join between the County layer and the Summary Statistics output.

Add a new field to the County Layer and calculate the percentage of areas burned by wildfire to the total area of each county. Be sure to multiple the value by 100 so the values are represented as a percentage. Here is an example of what the expression should look like (!Wildfire_Area!/!Area_Acres!)*100, with ‘Wildfire_Area’ being the field that contains the wildfire area you calculated and ‘Area_Acres’ being the area field (in acres) from the County layer. 

Symbolize the counties by the percentage of area burned by wildfires. You can choose any color ramp that you like, but use just 5 classes and use the default classification method of Natural Breaks (Jenks) to have your map be comparable. The general trend should look similar to he image below, although your colors maybe different. 

Make an appropriate map layout with a title, a legend with information about the symbol classes (just the range of percentages within each class if fine), a list of data sources, your name, the date you published the map, a scale bar, a north arrow, and the map itself. Make sure to include a basemap for reference. Additionally, the counties should be labeled with their names (just the name is sufficient, you do not need to add the word “County” at the end as in the lecture on labeling). 

Add metadata to your final county layer indicate the geoprocessing workflow you conducted on the data. Make sure to indicate your name, the source data involved, where the source data was obtained, and the date you did the processing and relevant details for what you did to generate the layer. For this project use the default Item Description format for the metadata. 

Export a PDF of the map’s layout and a map package of the map. 

What you need to submit

You will be graded on each item.

Things to Watch Out For

Selections – Make sure that you clear any selections that you may make while explore the datasets. A lot of the tools in ArcGIS Pro will only run on the selected features if anything is selected.

Dissolve Tool – The does not require a Dissolve field, so feel free to leave this parameter empty when dissolving the wildfire perimeters into a single layer.

Unexpected Outputs from the Intersect Tool – We are working with real-world data that is imperfect for this exercise. When you intersect the dissolved wildfire perimeters with the county boundaries you may end up with some slivers or small geometries. Feel free to take a look and see if you notice any issues. By include the Summary Statistics tool in this workflow we can account for the area contained in these problematic areas.

Adding Fields to hold Area Calculations - Make sure the fields that you adding to the attribute tables have a “Double” data type to properly track the decimal point values. Make sure that all the area calculates are done in with “US Survey Acres”.

Null Values – Calculating the percentage of the county impacted by wildfires will result in some null value warnings. Why do you think this is the case? Not every null value is an error, and in some cases they null values are useful to track during an analysis. 

این پروژه شامل 2 فایل مهم است، لطفا قبل از ارسال پیشنهاد حتما نسبت به بررسی این فایل اقدام فرمایید.

مهارت ها و تخصص های مورد نیاز

مبلغ پروژه

280,000 تومان

مهلت برای انجام


وضعیت مناقصه

انجام شده

درباره کارفرما

عضویت دو سال پیش

55 پروژه ثبت شده ،
0 پروژه در حال انجام ،
0 پروژه آماده دریافت پیشنهاد ،
نرخ پذیرش پیشنهاد 53%

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نام خانوادگی نباید خالی باشد.

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روش کار در پارس‌کدرز

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