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Reconstruction 3-D CAD model of Neutron Stars using Matlab

سه سال پیش منتشر شده

تعداد بازدید: 726

کد پروژه: 246647

شرح پروژه

لطفا کسانی که تعداد داوری آنها از 1 درصد در پروژه بیشتر است درخواست ندهند

افرادی که هوش و تمرکز بالایی در متلب و فیزیک و ریاضیات دارند پیشنهادشان بررسی می شود. .

I need a CAD model of Neutron Stars with physics of interiors and exteriors with equations and fields representations.

Especificaciones programador MATLAB:

1-       ¿Qué programas quiero crear en MATLAB?

(Doy bibliografía cuando lo precisen)

I need a CAD model of Neutron Stars with physics of interiors and exteriors with equations and fields representations.


-          The goal is to create two MATLAB programs (Dynamics and first indications of program development):

              1-  CAD model as realistic as possible of the neutron star from its surface to the interior.

2         CAD model of gravitational waves with two Neutron Stars (Possible of same redious or different input by user) and where you can see at least 3 surface 3D  and recommendable between 3-6 of their gravitational waves projected in visible fields in 3D in the MATLAB  graphics viewer and the same with electromagnetic fields surface. When executing the program in Command Windows, I would like it to be dynamic where the user chooses the two times as input and the program does 3 simulations with final CAD graphic output

(The result pixel of CAD Graphics draws by MATLAB are our value proposal to have a good result with the customer experience ):

-          t1: Draw 3-6 surfaces of gravitational and electromagnetic waves (user input specified)

-          t2: Draw 3-6 surfaces of gravitational and electromagnetic waves (specified by user input)

-          t3: Draw collision of two Neutron Stars with 3-6 surfaces of gravitational and electromagnetic waves (not specified by user).

·         The surface plot I would like  in a range of cool bluish tones

-          Also if you need it i have some code Of CAD equations in MATLAB and maybe you could use in a similar way to plot results.

         (We need comments “%.......  “where indicates  the number equation use and book reference)

Program MATLAB  Neutron Stars bibliography:

An Advanced Course in Computational Nuclear Physics Bridging the Scales from Quarks to Neutron Stars, Morten Hjorth-Jensen

Dense Matter in Compact Stars A Pedagogical Introduction, A. Schmitt

Compact Objects in Astrophysics White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars and Black Holes, Max Camenzind


Physics of Neutron Star Interiors, D. Blaschke N. K. Glendenning

Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of the Solar Corona and Heliosphere, Xueshang Feng

MHD Flows in Compact Astrophysical Objects Accretion, Winds and Jets, Vasily S. Beski

Neutron Stars and Pulsars, Werner Becker

Accretion Flows in Astrophysics, Nikolay Shakura

Gravitational Wave Astrophysics, Carlos F. Sopuerta

Saturation of the f-mode Instability in Neutron Stars, Pantelis Pnigouras

One Hundred Years of General Relativity From Genesis and Empirical Foundations to Gravitational Waves, Cosmology and Quantum Gravity v1, Wei – Toi Ni

One Hundred Years of General Relativity From Genesis and Empirical Foundations to Gravitational Waves, Cosmology and Quantum Gravity v2, Wei - Tou Ni

Numerical Relativity, 100 years of General Relativity , Masaru Shibata


         Simulating binary neutron stars: dynamics and gravitational waves ,Matthew Anderson

           Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Binary  Neutron Star Mergers in General Relativity:        Effects of Magnetic Field Orientation on Jet Launching,  Milton Ruiz,1

Coalescence of Spinning Binary Neutron Stars of Equal Mass --3D Numerical Simulations-- Masaru SHIBATA

Coalescence of Spinning Binary Neutron Stars with Plunging Orbit --Newtonian 3D Numerical Simulation-- Masaru SHIBATAl D. Sappa

Understanding Gridfit, Jonh R. D´Errico

Implicit B-Spline Surface Reconstruction, Muhammad Rouhani, Angel D. Sappa

       I provide you the bibliograpphy Information of course! Hahahaha

       What would be your price? 

-           Recommended equipment to design and run algorithms without ram memory problems:

·         2TB Internal Hard Drive (for example WD Red 2TB 3.5 ”5400rpm 256MB Mac. PC and NAS Hard Drive - WD20EFAX) It is highly recommended to have an internal hard drive.

·         Ryzen graphics card or similar (example Ryzen 9, 5950X) Not Essential.

2-      ¿Tiempo?

Empezar en 1 Diciembre 2021 ó Enero 2022.

این پروژه شامل 9 فایل مهم است، لطفا قبل از ارسال پیشنهاد حتما نسبت به بررسی این فایل اقدام فرمایید.

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